Thursday, September 6, 2007

Purified Water Is For Sissies

I, since I have been here, have considered myself pretty tough. From the beginning I chose to throw caution to the wind and drink the local tap water. My rational, other then me being a bad ass, was that I am going to be living here for a long time and I might as well get used to the fun new organisms here. The water here has different bacteria, as well as an assortment of parasites and amoebas. I figured, who was I kidding by drinking purified bottled water to avoid sicknesses? If I did not get something from drinking water, I would from a salad, brushing my teeth, breathing etc. So I dove in. I drank pretty much any tap water I could get my hands on. I felt like quite a native when I would go to a restaurant, ask for water, and when they brought me a chilled water bottle with a glass and no ice, I would shoe it away and say tap is fine. Sometimes I would even get impressed looked from the servers. I wonder now if that was because even they don’t drink the water in those places.
Up to this point I have been pretty lucky with not getting any sicknesses from the contamination of water, I think that my system is clearly accustom to the water and I have now intestines of steel. I have drunk some pretty questionable glasses of water, but I am still here.
This is all to change however starting today. I was informed, by a local NGO (nongovernmental organization), that the water in my town is contaminated. They have apparently just tested the water here and found unsafe levels of lead and arsenic. For almost a year and a half I have been drinking 2-3 liters of water with lead and arsenic. LEAD AND ARSENIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The effects of lead are: may cause impaired mental function. Other symptoms are appetite loss, abdominal pain, constipation, fatigue, sleeplessness, irritability and headache. Long-term exposure to arsenic in drinking water can cause cancer in the skin, lungs, bladder and kidney. It can also cause other skin changes such as thickening and pigmentation.
So what is going to happen in my community now that this information is known? This is certainly a legitimate question. Unfortunately the answer is nothing. The NGO has decided that they are probably not going to release the results. Why? Yet Another fantastic question. This is due to the fact that nothing will be done by the government if the information is released. The money does not exist to upgrade the filtration process. If the community finds out there will be a panic. Most people can not afford to buy bottled water, so they will be forced to use water that they know is contaminated. In this case, it is assumed that ignorance is bliss. My personal question is do I tell people I am friends with in the community? I know full well that they can not afford bottled water and they will tell people they know, eventually creating the panic that is trying to be avoided. Should I respect the decision of the NGO and whoever wants to keep it suppressed?
Suffice it to say I have, as of now, switched. I will be drinking strictly bottled water from this point on. This is certainly not an easy task. It is kind of like being a vegetarian. I have to inconvenience everyone I come into contact with. When I am at peoples houses and they offer me coffee, fresh fruit juice, etc. I have to turn them down and ask for either a coke or something else bottled.
Basically cut me some slack when I finally come home. Due to these contaminants my brain has slowed down to a crawl. I have forgotten most of your names, or even what you look like.