Monday, August 20, 2007

Sorry for the delay

I would like to apologize for being such an inconsistent blog writer. It has been almost 3 months since my last entry. To be honest I have been struggling to think of a cool story to share. My life these days has been pretty average. I am giving class during the week and hanging out with friends on the weekends. These days I think that I am getting quite used to this life in Nicaragua. Things are not shocking and different to me anymore. I was not suprised to be bombarded by 10 chickens in my house while I was trying to read and relax, nor the fact that some of my Nicaraguan friends spit the floor of my living room. I am slightly nervous that things are not strange to me anymore. I just hope I will be able to assimilate back into civilization when I am finished here.

The main thing that is frustrating me recently is the fact that now for 3 months straight the power company has been cutting power from 7am to 2pm. This is not a huge deal for me, since there is daylight and other than using the internet, I am not tremendously affected. The problem that I have is that it is devistating for businesses. Imagine trying to run a restaurant during the day when you can not refrigerate your products. Also for any company that need to use computers during the work day, they are not able to function. When the power goes out so does the water.

Apparently the main problem lies in the fact that the Nicaraguan government has been using two late 1970's diesel powered power plants. Unfortunantly the cost to run these things is more expensive than what they can collect charging people for the power they produce. There does not seem to be any light at the end of the tunnel either. They say that things "should" change next year, but I imagine that is not the real truth.